Here it has been a "different" couple of weeks! Last week the new sewing machine stopped working, and it took a while to have it repaired! Is working well again now, but I´ve hardly had time to tested it much. And this week, I´ve noticed that I´ll have to change the kind of leather I ´ve been using until now, because is not available here in Chile. And as I´m almost out of stock from the leather I have from when I lived in Spain, I need to find a new one here, and is not being easy for the moment. I know I´ll find it, but I will have to re-do, re-photograph and re-list almost all the bags in the shop. At the end it will be a good thing, because I can take the chance to add all the improvements I have in mind for the bags, regarding to a better closure, reinforced structure, and the indside pockets. But in the meanwhile, is strange seeing the shop with only ready to ship items and just a few bags.
There are also new items in the shop: a minimal woman wallet, and a canvas apron for man or woman, wich will be available on more colors too.
Well, friends, happy Friday and have a great weekend!
PS: ops! almost forgot to say, there´s a new page in this blog, as you can see in the bar in the top of the page... it´s about my favorite shops on Etsy. There are two shops by the moment, from my good friends Becca and Vera. Take a look if you have the chance!

1. We have gone to "Zapallar" this past weekend, an amazing little town near Santiago, on the Pacific coast.
2, 3. New items in my shop. You can see them here.