Friday, October 25, 2013

these days around here

Hi Folks! Here you have some spots from this week, that went away so fast! 
Hope you enjoy the weekend, filling your tanks for the next week :-)

1.Spring is all around 
2, 3 Visit to an Artisan Fair here in Santiago. 
4. Cutting labels 
5. The new fabrics I have found for lining my bags. I really like the texture and the colours!
6. New waxed canvas bag in my shop.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

come in, we´re open!

Hi, Friends! My shop is opened again! After being three months and a half closed because of our moving, now is reopened here from Santiago. 
The shop celebrated one year yesterday, so I´m launching a "Free shipping party" because of this first anniversary. The products that joined the party are the pouches, the pillow cases and the fabric baskets. All other products still have their normal shipping price. 
There are some products missing in the shop by the moment, because I´m still updating them for the materials I can get here in my new city. 
Thank you so much for your support during the past year, I couldn´t be working on this and trying to make it grow if you weren't here, so thanks a lot! 

1. the studio, a year ago in Madrid
2. my new studio here in Santiago
3. thank you so much for this first year! :-)

Monday, October 14, 2013

at the studio

Hi, Friends! During these days spring definitely arrived here to stay! We´re having such a nice weather, with chilly mornings and evenings, but the sun is really warm and you can be pretty hot at midday. 
This past week we had visit from family until Thursday, and it has been great. Since then I´m in a real rush trying to reopen my Etsy many things to check and organise! I´m in some trouble for finding 100% cotton here, which I need for lining my bags. I know I´ll find it, just need to found the right place to go. I´ll also have to update the shipping prices because of my new location. But I want to reopen right now and start working hands and mind are needing a big splash of sewing! 
Here you can see a few spots from these past days....most of time working on the studio before the reopening, and our Sunday afternoon. Photos will be made with my iPad for a while... we´ve been stolen a few days ago and I´ve lost my camera!  
Hope you have a great week! XO

1. the small satchel I have used everyday this past summer. It holds iPad mini and some other stuff, and soon will be able in my shop with different fabrics 
2. some packaging materials. love that old ruler that belonged to my grandma
3. iPad and e-reader cases
4. antiques market, every Sunday in our neighborhood
5,6. tea time

Friday, October 4, 2013

happy weekend!

Hello folks! These days have been busy here, setting up the studio, making research in my new city for materials for my Etsy shop, updating my shop policies because of this new location, and getting ready to receive part of my family visiting us.  
These are a few spots from this days, hope you all have a happy weekend! 

hi spring, you are welcome to my studio!
checking fabrics while dreaming with possible combinations. do you like waxed canvas + wool?
my tiny sewing machine....will be changed soon for anotherone much bigger and stronger

apple crumble, ready to the enjoy with the family during the weekend
yes, is spring in the city!