Showing posts with label new bags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new bags. Show all posts
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
happy birthday to my shop, two years!
Today my shop makes two years since the first opening, and I´m not sure about the way I feel about this! I have many different feelings, all of them based on the fact that I´m happy with my work. For one side, it seems to me that I´ve always been making bags and selling on Etsy, and for the other side I can´t hardly believe my shop has two years YET!!
More opposite feelings are for one side seeing how my shop has grown during these two years, and on the other side seeing more ways to grow and things I need to lern, understand and most of all "do" to help my little business grow. Those will be never ending tasks, I guess.
Two years ago while my shop was opened, we were living in Madrid, one year after that, (on the first anniversary) we were just arrived to Chile, and now we are making a year here already. I´ve also had to close "on vacation" several months for different reasons like moving from Spain to Chile, travels to visit family and weddings, etc etc. But I´m happy seing how my shop have grown, and so thankful because I had the chance to start it. I´m also really thankful to all my customers from the begginings, because they supported my work then, and allow me to develop my products which are so much better now compared with the first ones. I would like to write a letter to each of them saying "thank you so much again", but I don´t want to seem spammy... So, if you are one of them or you know someone, please say thanks for me :-) And of course I´m thankful to all my customers from now too because they are still supporting my work, and all of you who are reading my posts, even if I become a little philosophical sometimes (like this one!).
Hope you are having a nice week :-)
PS: Oh, my....I´ve just realised that this blog has also made a year yet and I didn´t even notice. No doubt, time flies!
I´ve been in action in the studio again this month, after a long vacation.
These are some of the "so many" new bags in my shop. I´ve added the zip totes (finallyyyy!)
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
after the rain

We can finally say that the winter is here, and that we´ve had a real rain! We were hoping the rain would clean the air some, and yesterday, it really did so. Today the mountains have shown us all their beauty, so full of snow and clearly seen from the city.
This past month I´ve been working on many new items, and some custom orders, and also searching for new materials and tools. I´ve found a new kind of leather that I´m loving and can´t wait to try, lets see if I have the chance soon!
In the pictures above you can see some views I´ve taken today on a short trip just enjoying the views, some of the new items in the shop, and a bit of home life. I finally added more aprons in the shop, and still have some waiting to be photographed and published.
Well, Friends, hope you are enjoying the change of the season to summer in the North, or winter here in the South. See you soon!
Friday, March 21, 2014
some new stuff
Hi Friends!
Thank you so much for being there, reading my blog :) Let me intoduce you to some new tools in my studio: a starp cutter, stamps for leather, and stamps for making my business cards. Oh, yes... I know you may be wondering how did I do without this before. To be honest.... I´m wondering the same, ha! As an excuse, I can say that the leather strap cutter was really expensive in Spain, and that I wanted my business cards to be handmade, so I´ve found my self writing tons of cards before I could realise. Now the cards are still being handmade, but not hand written. And I´m also cutting the straps without measuring each milimetre, so I can save so much time.
I´ve already used the leather stamps in a little gift for a dear friend. Shhh.... she doesn´t receive it yet! :)
And finally, there are tons of new bags in the shop this week. Many of them are "one of a kind" or "limited edition". I´m making those ones with just a few units, because I have some fabric from when I lived in Spain that I really like and want to use! It´s a pity I can´t make more of those, but the good side is that my customers will have a really really really special bag.
Well, I better say good bye... hope you have a great weekend! Happy spring for all of you up there in the North, and happy autumn for all of us down here in the South :-)
Monday, March 17, 2014
working + fast trip

Hello, Friends!
There's been a while since my last post ... you may be probably thinking I've forgot I have a blog, but I did not, and here I am :-)
During these weeks I've been searching for the new leather, I've found it, and I've been testing and making a new edición of my bags. I've told here before I wanted to make some changes, like sturdier handles and straps, and reinforced structure. I´ve had designed this new edición before starting "making" nothing, but it was improved while I was with both hands on the work, much more than what I planned before starting. It always happens the same to me: when I'm really "making" something, I have a better idea, or I realise I can do something in a better way. And there´s an extra fact I always consider, and is that almost all of my customers are overseas: that makes me want my bags to be really light. This way the shipping will be a bit cheaper, and they will be more confortable to wear too. Well, the new edition will be finally available in the shop this week.
Appart from work, I've been away from home last week, in a short trip to Buenos Aires to visit my family. We are also enjoying an increíble weather here, with sunny days and nice temperatures... summer is turning softer while it says good bye. Thanks God we have autumn, because I'm not ready for winter yet!
Well Friends, hope you all have a good week!

1. my favorite corner in the studio.
2. leather stock, the new one and some of the old one.
3,4. work in progress
5. new magnetic closure system for the bags + zippered inside pocket.
6. ready to be photographed
7. arriving to Buenos Aires last week.
8. I´ve been in a coffee shop called "Gratitude" near Buenos Aires. The paper table cloth says "and you... what are you grateful for today?". I loved it!
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