Fishing afternoons were a normal thing while on vacation with the big family. We can´t say I love fishing, but a big part of the family loves it, so I usually take the chance to walk around and take some pics. The afternoons in the South are long during summer and the light is so soft and nice.
The day we drove back to Chile we left so early as we had more than 1100 kms ahead. The lighting was so really gorgeous. While crossing the Andes at that latitude we had a little glimpse of how things look after a vulcano eruption (so so little glimpse as the last eruption was 8 months ago, and we´ve just saw the woods, for example). We were so impressed from our ignorance as we really don´t have an idea of the magnitude of the problem, and also loved the signs of hope seeing some green of life growing in the ash.
Here I am again after many months giving a little update to this space. Hope you all had a nice start for this new year! Some pics here from our last trip on vacation in Argentina this month. We´ve been in Bariloche with my family (not the whole family but we were so many there) and it´s been great. The place is stunning and the weather is marvelous, a big part of the family loves fishing so we´ve spent so many hours in the lake, and on the other side we walked, played cards and other games, well, the normal "on vacation" stuff :)

Hellooo!!! It´s been a while!! So long without appearing here, nor even to say hi!
My last post was about comming back from summer holidays, and here we are just returning from another trip, eeekk yes, we are :) I promise I´ve been working hard between the two trips, hehe!! :)
We´ve been in Spain for some days during May. We have gone to Seville (well, a town close to Seville) for a family event, then to Madrid, and also took the chance to go to Basel (Switzerland) to visit my brother and his family and another familiar event.
We have really enjoyed every minute, it´s been awesome. Being in Seville we saw many friends, and our family by my husband´s side, then in Madrid more friends, and in Switzerland, my brother´s family. Here we have a few picks from Switzerland, hope you enjoy :)
We went for a walk on our first afternoon there. In the pic my hubby, my brother and his kids. I´m behind the camera, and my sister in law stayed at home finishing the cake for the following day :)
In the following picture, this was a place where you could buy the flowers growing there. Each variety has it´s price, and you could pick the flowers you want and then leave the money there in a tin.
Right above, the neighborhood close to my brother´s, and "the smiling house" which was so funny!
And the bag I´ve made for my 10 year old niece as a gift, she loved it! :)
Last but not least and regarding to work, I´ve finally added some leather bags in my shop, yay! I´ve found a leather that I love here in Santiago, and I´m really liking this new kind of bags.
Thanks for visiting, have a great week!
Hi, everyone! Hope you are well, January has already gone, and we are close to mid February, OMG time flies and flies! I´m back at work in the studio with the sewing machine finally repaired woo-hoo! Really happy to be back, but I can also see that my time off have been so good... I didn´t realise I was really needing a rest after the holiday season in my shop :-) So, the machine incident had it´s positive side too because now I´m back so fresh and with new strenght and ideas. There are some new bags in my shop, and I´m working on some more too, I hope they will be in my shop in march.
Here you have some pictures from the past month that we´ve gone to the beach a couple of times, the new bags in my shop, and new beanies at KnittingWinters, my mom´s shop.