Hi, everyone! Hope you are well, January has already gone, and we are close to mid February, OMG time flies and flies! I´m back at work in the studio with the sewing machine finally repaired woo-hoo! Really happy to be back, but I can also see that my time off have been so good... I didn´t realise I was really needing a rest after the holiday season in my shop :-) So, the machine incident had it´s positive side too because now I´m back so fresh and with new strenght and ideas. There are some new bags in my shop, and I´m working on some more too, I hope they will be in my shop in march.
Here you have some pictures from the past month that we´ve gone to the beach a couple of times, the new bags in my shop, and new beanies at KnittingWinters, my mom´s shop.

Just wanted to share with you my Mom´s new Etsy shop, just opened with the new year. She has always been a great knitter, and dreamed about having a small business to share her creations with the world. But, with 8 children and 12 grandchildren she never really found the moment... you can imagine how busy she was at home! Now that we are not kids any longer, she decided to go ahead with her entrepreneurship, woo-hoo! I´ve helped her a bit, but just with the boring and non creative part of Internet and that stuff.
All her items are designed and handknitted by her in Buenos Aires, or wherever she goes with her materials and non stopping hands. She uses only 100% acrilic yarn, to make sure that her hats are machine washable (welcome to the modern life, knits!), and also good for alergic or wool sensitive people.
Don´t miss to explore her shop on Etsy, called knittingwinters here. You will find the most beautiful handknitted beanies in the whole world :)
Here you have some pics as an advance!
Thanks for reading, hope you have a great weekend!
ps: the model in the pics is my "little" sister, and those pics were made by her husband. I´ve made the other pics, and the lady knitting is obviously my Mom, called María as me. Then a couple of pics from my parents home, where you can se yarn, needles and hats everywhere as a normal thing.