Hi! I´ve been making some order yesterday and now I have this fabrics where I can see them. I want to sew them as soon as I have the chance (and before summer ends here!). Usually when I have a fabric I don´t wait to sew it, but this time was different because we moved in July from north summer to south winter...so they are still waiting :-)
Do you have crafts in a queue?
Xo, have a nice day!
1. Blue cotton fabric with white butterflies, I bought it in Buenos Aires, while visiting family.
2, 3. Blue and white stripes and the one from the right, I bought them in Madrid, in Rives y Casals. If you ever go to Madrid, that shop is amazing for sewing lovers. You can visit their web page by clicking here.
4, 5. Multicolor triangles, and blue with white flowers, I´ve bought them on Etsy, in the shop "The Delhi Store". The quality is amazing, I´ve washed them to avoid size changes after sewing and they did not loose a even bit of color. You can visit that shop by clicking here.
6. Beige background with flowers. Is a birthday gift from my mother, she bought it on Etsy too, in the shop "SonSu". Love the quality and texture of this fabric. You can visit this shop by clicking here.
7. The one on the right in vertical position is a dress I have to change a bit.