Tuesday, February 10, 2015

summer...and back to work

Hi, everyone! Hope you are well, January has already gone, and we are close to mid February, OMG time flies and flies! I´m back at work in the studio with the sewing machine finally repaired woo-hoo! Really happy to be back, but I can also see that my time off have been so good... I didn´t realise I was really needing a rest after the holiday season in my shop :-) So, the machine incident had it´s positive side too because now I´m back so fresh and with new strenght and ideas. There are some new bags in my shop, and I´m working on some more too, I hope they will be in my shop in march. 
Here you have some pictures from the past month that we´ve gone to the beach a couple of times, the new bags in my shop, and new beanies at KnittingWinters, my mom´s shop. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

knitting winters, my mom´s new shop!

Just wanted to share with you my Mom´s new Etsy shop, just opened with the new year. She has always been a great knitter, and dreamed about having a small business to share her creations with the world. But, with 8 children and 12 grandchildren she never really found the moment... you can imagine how busy she was at home! Now that we are not kids any longer, she decided to go ahead with her entrepreneurship, woo-hoo! I´ve helped her a bit, but just with the boring and non creative part of Internet and that stuff. 
All her items are designed and handknitted by her in Buenos Aires, or wherever she goes with her materials and non stopping hands. She uses only 100% acrilic yarn, to make sure that her hats are machine washable (welcome to the modern life, knits!), and also good for alergic or wool sensitive people. 
Don´t miss to explore her shop on Etsy, called knittingwinters here. You will find the most beautiful handknitted beanies in the whole world :)
Here you have some pics as an advance!
Thanks for reading, hope you have a great weekend! 
ps: the model in the pics is my "little" sister, and those pics were made by her husband. I´ve made the other pics, and the lady knitting is obviously my Mom, called María as me. Then a couple of pics from my parents home, where you can se yarn, needles and hats everywhere as a normal thing. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

new year!!

Hello, and happy 2015!! 
Hope you all have had great time celebrating with family and friends during these past days. We are just back from our days in Argentina with my family, and has been great. Lots of people as we are so many, and too much fun. 
We have also been by the country side so close to Buenos Aires for a couple of days, and living away from my country I didn´t remember how much I like that kind of lanscape. The "Argentinean Pampa" is a really exstensive plain land and so fertile, and I really love it as it remembers me to my childhood. Specially love the peace, the rusticity, the silence and the slow movement of everything. Silence is a way of saying... when you are close to a group of trees you can hear the sound of the wind always present. When you are in the middle of the field, you just hear the sound of silence and your steps on the grass. Here you have some pics I made during our walks, and while family was having fun.
Hope you are starting the year with good feet, and in case you are like me, still trying to believe that this is a new year... well, we still have time to realise :-)
Thanks for reading, see you soon!!
ps: by the way, my shop is still on vacation mode as I need to repair my sewing machine.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas time again!!

Hello, everyone! 
Whew and phew, the holiday season is over in my shop, and I´m on vacation mode since yesterday. Well, my shop is on vacation, but I keep running before going to Buenos Aires to spend the Holidays with my family. It will be great to be at my homeland for Christmas after three years in other places, but we will also miss our family from Spain and wish we could be everywhere at the same time. 
This holiday season have been c-r-a-z-y in my shop, and I´m amazed about that and so thankful to my amazing customers and my really supportive family and friends, they are all simply the best. 
Hope you all have a good final preparation for Christmas, and that you treasure good moments with your beloved ones. I need to start thinking again about this year, the good and not so good stuff it has had, what I´ve learned, what I´m thankful for,...etc etc, AND new goals for the next year. Not just about work, but about every aspect of life. Hard thing to do during these crazy days before the Holidays, but, worthy! 
Have a merry merry Christmas, thanks for reading, and see you next year!!
PS: Just in time! I´ve received this video from a good Friend from Madrid while I was writting this post. Kids singing always almost make me want to cry, hehe please mind I said "almost", hehe. I´ve really liked it so here you have a Christmas song played by tons of lovely kids and people, Michael´s Card Immanuel. 

You can find this video in youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE_tuMpIOho

Saturday, December 6, 2014

city rides

The last two weekends we discovered a neighborhood in the city that we did not know yet, and it is really nice! We are living here in Santiago since one year and a half, but as we like to get out of the city everytime we can, we have neglected a bit this of knowing the city where we are living. But we are ending the weeks really tired lately, so we are having quiet weekends in town, and it helped us to know (and enjoy) this new neighborhood we´ve never been before. It is called "Barrio Italia" (meaning "Italy neighborhood), there are so many coffee shops, restaurants and small independent business. Many vintage sellers too, it is full of furniture and messy stuff in the streets. Here you have some pics of our new and "almost favorite" place to go for a ride in town. Have a happy new week!!